Anthony Boarman

Activities & Artifacts

Using the collapsible accordion menus below, view some of my favorite activities and artifacts through my time as an educator. These are sample activities that students found engaging, challenging, and that helped them grow in their knowledge of the content area that we were studying.

National Park Brochure Project (U.S. History)

In this activity, put together an interactive travel guide (in Google Sheets) for the National Park that they select. This travel guide is completed in Google Slides and will have a mix of text, images, and video. Students are provided with a brief history of the National Park Service and the purpose of protecting public lands in the United States. They will then extend their knowledge of one specific National Park site in the U.S. and present their findings to the class. The overall purpose of this activity is to allow students to understand the U.S. government's effort to preserve and conserve our natural resources around the country.

Activity | Artifact

Early Akron History Infographic (Local History)

After our unit on Early Akron History, students will select one of several topics to create an infographic. This infographic will help to display their deeper understanding of their chosen topic within a visual layout. Students will voluntarily present their infographic to the class.

Activity | Artifact #1 | Artifact #2

Attribution Theory Scenarios Activity (Introduction to Psychology)

After reading pgs. 311-315 and after reviewing the attached Google Slides presentation on the attribution theory, students will create five unique scenarios each for dispositional (internal) attribution and situational (external) attribution. After creating the ten total scenarios, students will answer the two analysis questions at the bottom of the page. This activity helps students to apply their knowledge of the attribution theory into daily situations.

Slides | Activity | Artifact

Budgeting Scenario Activity (Economics & Personal Finance)

In this activity, students randomly select one of eight different occupations. They will research the income details of the occupation using the Bureau of Labor Statistics website. Once they figure out their income, they will begin building a budget using several different life scenarios that they will be given. This will allow them to see the realities of budgeting for life's various expenses and the discipline that will be needed in order to not overspend.

Activity | Artifact | Reflection